“The cure to eliminate fake news is that people stop reading 140-character tweets and start reading 600-page books.” 

Piero Scarufi- Former Lecturer at Stanford University

"I think it's a fairly serious problem and it's a broader problem than just what I would call pure fake news," he added. "There's also the broader problem of a rise of relatively low-quality media which is competing with the more traditional, more respectable media in a really aggressive way for clicks and ad revenue and so forth, which is really putting a lot more pressure on journalism than it has already experienced." Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder.

From above statement, we can see that fake news is a big problem in today’s world. While the term “propaganda” is often used as a synonym for “fake news,” it should be distinguished: propaganda need not be false; rather, it achieves its intended effect by emphasizing in-groups and outcasts or by creating dystrophic realities. The colloquial use of “propaganda” emphasizes that it is often perceived as being used by a powerful few to rally or shape the understanding of a weaker many.

The demand for “fake news” may be a natural byproduct of faster news cycles and increasing consumer demand for shorter-form content. While there is a general awareness of the existence of “fake news,” there is widespread disagreement over what comprises “fake news.” Merely labeling something as “fake news” can itself be considered mere propaganda, making it all the more important that journalists cite sources and "show their work". Traditional gatekeepers are less effective or visible. For example, traditional news organizations lack the institutional authority they once enjoyed. This is also true for many other historically influential and authoritative voices, including medical professionals, scientists, religious leaders, and academic institutions. That being said, “fake news” often presents as traditional journalism, borrowing the authority of traditional journalism while simultaneously undermining it.


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